Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Community Garden

Currently, we have a seed bank which is in storage. Contact Stephanie Small for information regarding Community Garden and Seed Bank projects.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Unicorn News

North Korea: Unicorns’ Existence Proven by "discovery of Unicorn Lair"

Read about it from: TimeNY Daily News or watch a video or search online about it.

3/10/3015 - Many of you might be surprised about the money to be made in unicorns. Anyway, I guess its Year of the Unicorn according to an Article about Hasbro, HERE

Unicorn Deer Skull from Slovenia

I have seen one unicorn deer (with the horn in the middle) and one unicorn elk (with the horn in the middle) both in Spring Valley, California. Its the only place I have seen them. I saw the deer twice. The elk sat down in my yard for over  two hours while I painted him.